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Wykład: Rola i postawa profesjonalnych pełnomocników w mediacji i arbitrażu w kształtowaniu pokojowych rozwiązań i budowaniu porozumienia – 19 lipca br.

19.07.2022/17:00 - 19:00

Dziekan ORA w Warszawie  wraz z Sekcją Arbitrażu i Mediacji zaprasza na pierwszy z cyklu spotkań z wybitnymi ekspertami w zakresie mediacji i arbitrażu pod tytułem

ADR w czasach kryzysu

„Rola i postawa profesjonalnych pełnomocników w mediacji i arbitrażu w kształtowaniu pokojowych rozwiązań i budowaniu porozumienia”. Spotkanie odbędzie się 19 lipca w godz. 17-19 w siedzibie Okręgowej Rady Adwokackiej w Warszawie w al. Ujazdowskich 49. Prelegentką będzie emerytowana sędzia Hon. Rebecca Westerfield. Wykład zostanie poprowadzony w języku angielskim. Po spotkaniu zapraszamy na poczęstunek. Uczestnicy otrzymają 2 punkty szkoleniowe za udział w spotkaniu.

Hon. Rebecca Westerfield (ret.): JAMS Mediator, Arbitrator, Special Master  Hon. Rebecca Westerfield (Ret.) has settled and arbitrated thousands of domestic cases and cross-border disputes throughout the United States. A full-time JAMS panelist since 1992, Judge Westerfield is widely perceived as a tenacious mediator. She is included regularly on the „National Mediators” List, Chambers USA and she was noted as being at the „cutting edge of the field” by peers. Her extensive experience includes complex, multi-party, multi-issue cases with underlying insurance coverage disputes. She is particularly adept at dealing with matters that involve cross-cultural dynamics and high emotional content, such as business dissolutions, catastrophic personal injury litigation and family estate matters. Parties have included Fortune 500 companies and other publicly owned corporations, Silicon Valley entities and multinational corporations.  In arbitrations, Judge Westerfield is known for managing the process efficiently and fairly. Her managerial arbitration style provides parties with an opportunity to be fully heard while moving the process to conclusion.  Judge Westerfield was one of the first neutrals to begin using videoconference tools such as Zoom and other platforms to hear ADR matters virtually as needed for client and case needs. Hear her thoughts on the shift to virtual ADR and its success by listening to the JAMS podcast entitled „Virtual Mediation & Arbitration: The Benefits, Challenges and Attorney Reactions.

  • Chambers ranked National Mediator  USA  2019-2022
  • Best Lawyers “Mediator of the Year”  San Francisco 2021
  • Elected Fellow of College of Commercial Arbitrators
  • Certified by The International Mediation Institute
  • SuperLawyers ADR Category 2006-2021

More about Hor. Rebecca Westerfield (ret.)


17:00 - 19:00
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